Saturday, October 30, 2010

You've Done It! :)

Well, all the home reading you've been doing has resulted in our first Veggie Tales Party!  It will be this Tuesday, November 2nd.  Please send in a snack (cheese, crackers, ham, grapes, apple juice boxes, veggies and dip, mini-muffins, etc) or a treat (popcorn, chips, cookies, etc) to share with the class. We will enjoy our snacks while watching a Veggie Tales movie so if your child has one they enjoy please send it in so we can vote on which one we would like to watch.  :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Few Additions

Wednesday, October 27th is also going to be a non-uniform day.  The high school students earn this once a month by coming in their complete uniform each day.  This is more of a freebie for us. 

Thursday, October 28th - We were told this morning in staff devotions that it will be a 1:10 dismissal again on this day so that we can fit in Parent/Teacher Conferences for our larger class sizes.  The conferences will be every 15 minutes from 1:30-8:30pm. 

Phew!  Lots to remember next week!  I've also posted this information on our door.  Thank you for all you do each day for your wonderful kids!  We appreciate you!  :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Coming Soon!

Here are a few things to remember about next week...   :)

Monday, October 25th - Individual photo day (please send your child in their complete winter uniform - with sweater please!)

Wednesday, October 27th - Early dismissal at 1:10

Thursday, October 28th - Parent/Teacher Conferences (I will post the sign-up sheet outside our door as soon as it is given to me)

Friday, October 29th - Dressfest (This is a school-wide event where everyone dresses up in a costume for the day)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

So tomorrow is the last day of our week.  We are back on Tuesday, October 12th.  The students are to wear their full winter uniform when they come back.  Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I am thankful for your fantastic kids.  They really are a great group.  :)