Tuesday, November 23, 2010


As also posted on our door this Wednesday, November 24th is an early dismissal at 1:10 and also a non-uniform day.  It is gym day but they are fine to come in whatever they chose tomorrow. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Few Dates

Report cards come out on Friday, December 3rd.  The students are being very encouraging towards one another as we set goals and work towards improvement.  They especially enjoy an "Art Show" after we've created a masterpiece during art.  They all sit at their desks and then I call a row at a time to go "shopping" at the Art Show.  They stand by the work of a peer and this indicates that they are buying the art as their favourite.  You should see the smiles!  "Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today".  :)

Also, please put Thursday, December 9th on your calendar for the K-8 Christmas Concert.  Your child will be singing in the choir and will need to be in their full winter uniform.  The concert starts at 7pm but we will meet in our classroom at 6:30pm.  Thanks so much! 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Colder Days

Hello Parents and Students of Elementary,

With winter approaching and the weather turning colder and colder, we in Elementary have been discussing student attire. We would like to encourage all parents to purchase a WRCA sweater, if you haven't already. When you do, please write your child's first and last name on the inside tag. These sweaters do not only look great, but they are very warm and, well, mandatory uniform at WRCA! A new policy that we are implementing is students are encouraged to keep a pair of running shoes in their classroom indoor wear. Boots can be worn to school and during outside break times. Before going outside for recess or lunch students will be given the opportunity to change into their boots. This policy will help keep students' feet warm and will keep our classrooms cleaner.

I also want to ask the parent community for their support in helping keep our children safe at lunch recess. We are in need of more parent supervisors from 12:00 to 12:45. Thank you to many of you who have faithfully shown up and supervised our children.


The Elementary Staff of WRCA

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thank You!

The Veggie Tale Party was a success!  We had cheese, crackers, grapes, watermelon, pineapple, popcorn, chips, cupcakes, apple juice, cookies, veggies and dip, and the list goes on!!!  They loved it so thank you!  :)