Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jeans Day

I got word yesterday that we would be having "Jeans Day" tomorrow, April 28th and that each WRCA student was to bring $2.  I found this out after we'd planned to honour "Daffodil Day" and bring $2 for The Cancer Society.  Thank you for what you've already done.  Tomorrow is up to you.  WRCA will be collecting for Children's Hospital and the students are to wear jeans and a non-uniform top.  We also wrote in our planners to bring a small cup/bowl and 50 cents to buy a scoop of  "Worms and Dirt". 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Reminders for April

Wednesday, April 20th - Speech Contest in our room at 6:30pm.  All welcome. 

Friday, April 23rd - Good Friday (no school)

Monday, April 25th - Easter Monday (no school)

Wednesday, April 27th - Earth Week (walk/bike to school, wear blue and green and brown colours)  This is also "Daffodil Day" so please bring $2 for a daffodil pin.  Donations go to the Cancer Society.

Thursday, April 28th - Earth Week (walk/bike to school, bring 50 cents and a small bowl/cup to buy a scoop of  "worms and dirt")

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Speeches This Thursday!

Come to our room at 1:30 this Thursday, April 14th to hear some great speeches!  See you then!  :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Veggie Tales Party

Yes, it's true.  They earned their "5 star"  (meaning they filled up the board with VT characters 5 times) Veggie Tales Party.  We wrote it in our planners for tomorrow so please send in a snack.  Whatever you have in the house will be great.  Thanks so much!  :)