Sunday, May 29, 2011

Schedule for June

Friday June 3 - It's our turn to host the last chapel of the year.  We'll be doing some of the songs and poems that we've learned in class.  Come join us from 11:20-11:50 in the music room. 

Wednesday June 8th - Beach Day from 10-2.  Permission forms went out last week.  Send a lunch and sand toys.

Thursday June 9th - Last library class.  Please return all books for the year. 

Friday June 10th - Sports Day.  I'll post details when I received them.  Early dismissal at 1:10. 

Tuesday June 14th - K-8 Concert in the evening in the gym.  Details to follow. 

Thursday June 16th - Class icecream party from 2:00-2:30.  I'll post a list of toppings to sign-up for on our door.  Come join us!   Siblings are welcome.  :)

Friday June 17th - Presentation of scrapbooks.  Come to our room from 12:40-1:10 as we have our "Classroom Closing Ceremonies".  Early dismissal. 

Monday June 27th - Awards Night in the gym at 7pm.  Students will receive their "Character Award" and "Bible Memory Award".  Sit with parents until class is called to line up along the wall.  Non-uniform.  Students often dress up.  Report card pick-up.  Happy summer!  :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Volunteers Needed!

This Friday is Grandparents Day and we're in need of volunteers for...

Set-up  (8-10am)
Serving (10-11am)

Please let me know if you are able to help Mrs. Penner and her team. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Lost and Found

We have 2 gym sweatshirts and 1 pair of gym sweatpants that have been kickin' around in our room for a week now.  Please come claim them soon!  :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spelling Words

We will not be writing any more spelling words in our planners for May and June.  Each day we will be reviewing words from our September to April lists.  Please also be reviewing at home to make sure we've got these words under our belts for Grade 2.  Thank you!  :)